Buck Moon
The celestial world has always inspired awe and wonder. It’s fascinating how the sky changes every night, offering us a rotating carousel of constellations, planets, and moon phases. One of these fascinating phenomena is the Buck Moon, and if you’re new to symbolism, this article will serve as an in-depth guide for beginners.
What is a Buck Moon?
The Buck Moon is a term that refers to the full moon that typically occurs in July. This name comes from Native American, Colonial American, and other traditional North American cultures that would name each full moon throughout the year based on the natural phenomena and seasonal changes that coincided with it.

The term “Buck Moon” is believed to have originated from the Algonquin tribes living in the Northeast of the present-day United States. This is the time of year when male deer, or bucks, start to grow their new antlers. This growth is a sign of the buck’s good health and virility, making it a strong symbol of the fullness of life during the summer months.
The Significance of the Buck Moon
The Buck Moon is more than just a celestial event; it holds cultural and symbolic significance as well. It is a reminder of how our ancestors relied on the cycles of the moon and nature to guide their lives, from hunting and planting crops to religious rituals and celebrations. It reflects the interconnectedness of humans with the natural world.
The Buck Moon’s appearance also symbolizes the peak of summer, a time when life is abundant. It signifies strength, virility, and the preparedness for the upcoming fall season, akin to a buck readying its antlers for autumn battles.
Esoteric and Spiritual Symbolism

In esoteric practices, the moon in general is often associated with feminine energy, the subconscious, intuition, and emotional understanding. Each full moon carries its unique significance, and the Buck Moon is no exception.
Given its association with the time when bucks grow their new antlers, the Buck Moon is often symbolically linked to themes of growth, vitality, and readiness. It signifies a time of coming into one’s strength and power, much like a buck preparing for the upcoming mating season.
In many spiritual practices, the Buck Moon is considered a potent time for setting intentions related to personal growth and transformation, as well as for rituals or practices focused on cultivating inner strength and resilience.
Alchemical Symbolism

In the realm of alchemy, the moon represents silver, one of the seven sacred metals. Silver is associated with purity, transformation, and the unconscious. An alchemist observing the Buck Moon might see it as a symbol of the ongoing process of personal transformation and refinement.
Furthermore, antlers in alchemical symbolism are sometimes related to the Tree of Life due to their branching nature. As such, the Buck Moon could also be interpreted as a reminder of interconnectedness and the cycle of growth, decay, and rebirth.
Effects on Individuals

While scientifically, the full moon does not have a proven direct effect on human behavior or emotions, many people report feeling more emotional, intuitive, or energetically charged during the full moon. The Buck Moon, falling in the middle of summer, might amplify feelings of restlessness, energy, or intensity.
From a symbolic perspective, the Buck Moon could serve as a reminder to individuals of their own growth and transformation. It could bring about a heightened awareness of personal strength, resilience, and the cyclical nature of life. It’s a perfect time for introspection, for assessing personal progress, setting new goals, or embarking on new ventures.
Buck Moon and Zodiac signs
The full moon in astrology is a time when emotions, feelings, and unconscious urges are brought to the surface. It’s a time of illumination and revelation, and the particular zodiac sign in which the full moon occurs can affect how these energies are expressed. The Buck Moon, also known as the July full moon, typically occurs in the sign of Capricorn or Aquarius, depending on the year and the exact timing of the lunar cycle.
The following is a general idea of how the Buck Moon could potentially affect each zodiac sign. It’s important to remember, however, that individual experiences can vary greatly depending on a person’s entire astrological chart.
The Buck Moon could bring issues related to career and public image to the forefront. This is a good time for Aries to focus on professional goals.
This moon could stimulate a desire to travel or learn new things. Matters of belief and philosophy may come into focus.
The Buck Moon may highlight issues related to shared resources or intimate relationships. This is a time of transformation for Gemini.
Relationships and partnerships could be highlighted for Cancer during the Buck Moon. This is a time for balancing personal needs with those of others.
The Buck Moon may prompt Leo to pay attention to health and daily routines. This is a good time for self-care and organization.
This full moon could bring matters of self-expression, creativity, and romance to the forefront for Virgo.
The Buck Moon may highlight issues related to home and family for Libra. This is a time for introspection and connecting with roots.
Communication and learning may be in focus for Scorpio during the Buck Moon. This is a time for expressing thoughts and ideas.
The Buck Moon could bring issues of personal resources and values to the forefront for Sagittarius. This is a time for assessing what is truly valuable.
The Buck Moon may highlight personal identity and self-expression for Capricorn. This is a time for self-reflection and personal growth.
The Buck Moon could bring unconscious feelings and hidden aspects of life into focus for Aquarius. This is a time for spiritual exploration.
The Buck Moon may highlight friendships and social connections for Pisces. This is a time for connecting with others and sharing dreams for the future.
The full moon’s effects are considered to be strongest in the days immediately before and after the full moon, and the Buck Moon, in particular, could illuminate areas of life related to the above themes for each sign. However, these are broad interpretations and individuals may experience these energies differently based on various factors in their natal charts.
Cultures and Mythologies

In various cultures and mythologies around the world, the moon has always held significant symbolic and spiritual value. The moon, with its monthly cycle of waxing and waning, often serves as a metaphor for the cycle of life and death, growth and decay, birth and rebirth.
When it comes to the Buck Moon specifically, its mythology is intertwined with the deer and its attributes. This full moon gets its name from the period in which the male deer or buck begins to grow its antlers anew. This event is seen as a symbol of growth, regeneration, and preparation. It symbolizes vitality and readiness for the challenges to come.
There are a few myths from different cultures which illustrate the connection between deer and lunar symbolism:
Native American Mythology:
In Native American cultures, the deer is often seen as a messenger, a creature of the woodland realm possessing sensitivity and intuition. The deer is associated with gentleness, grace, and great spirit. The growth of new antlers seen during the Buck Moon phase is symbolic of growth and renewal. This month is also often associated with Thunder Moon or Hay Moon in some tribes, signifying the storms and agricultural practices of July respectively.
Celtic Mythology:
The deer, particularly the stag, also holds importance in Celtic mythology. The stag is associated with the sacredness of the natural world. Cernunnos, a Celtic god, known as ‘The Horned One’, is often depicted with antlers and is a symbol of fertility and abundance. The Buck Moon could be seen as a time of honoring this energy of abundance and growth.
Shinto Mythology:
In Japanese Shinto belief, deer are considered sacred messengers of the gods. The city of Nara in Japan is famous for its free-roaming Sika Deer, considered national treasures.
The Buck Moon, being a full moon, also shares in the universal symbolism of full moons across cultures. This phase of the moon is often seen as a time of illumination, culmination, and the fruition of seeds planted during the new moon.
In the end, the mythology of the Buck Moon is a beautiful tapestry woven from the threads of natural observation, lunar cycles, and the humble deer’s annual cycle of growth. It’s a testament to the deeply symbiotic relationship our ancestors had with nature and the cosmos, where seasonal changes were observed, respected, and revered.