
The Art of the Eternal Self

Upon a bleak and solitary chair sat a man enshrouded in darkness, garbed from head to toe in the darkest of black—jeans, t-shirt, hoodie, and jacket all as dark as the abyss itself.

The air held a chill despite the 21-degree warmth, biting into his skin as if mocking the feverish pace of his racing heart.

His eyes were sealed against the world, yet within him surged a familiar tempest, a prelude to a spectral voyage he had ventured before.

With each measured breath, the man sought his anchor, diving deep into the realm of his own spirit. It was there, in the midst of that meditative trance, that his consciousness expanded into an infinite expanse.

This was no longer a body seated upon a chair but a boundless void where he faced the phantoms of his own creation—his fears, each manifesting before him like specters in the night.

First came the apparition of insecurity, a looming specter that threatened to engulf him. Yet, as he floated in that vast space, he perceived his true essence hovering above—a detached, boundless self.

With this revelation, he severed the tendrils of fear that sought to bind him, merging into the ether of his unbounded spirit. As he embraced this expansive self, the phantom diminished into insignificance, a fleeting wisp soon forgotten.

No sooner had he conquered one dread than another arose—the fear of insufficiency, bringing with it old demons and renewed anxiety.

Yet as he inhaled and exhaled, a rhythm as ancient as time itself, he beheld once again his boundless self aloft.

A reunion ensued, and in that moment of merging, the fear dissipated, revealing his new self—emotionless, detached, a state of being alien yet profoundly liberating.

This cyclical encounter unfolded time and again. Each fear, each mundane anxiety, was met with the vision of his transcendent self—unattached, impassive.

He clung to this vision, latching onto the serenity it offered amidst the storms of daily tribulations. Through this perpetual dance of detachment and realization, he learned the art of existential repose.

At the climax of his spiritual odyssey, the man began to swirl, his voice rising in a chant,

“Stop Brahman, stop Brahman, stop the play, enough, Brahman.”

With each invocation, he drew closer to the material plane, still breathing deeply, tethered yet ascending from the depths of his trials.

He recognized that these anxieties and fears, though persistent, were transient as the seasons, affecting not his true, unassailable self.

With a final, profound breath, he grasped the key—a simple, yet profound understanding that mastery over the material realm comes not from fighting against life’s incessant stream of worries, but from allowing them to pass by like leaves on a river.

His body relaxed as he internalized this insight, now equipped to face the flux of life with serenity and detachment, understanding that his true essence remained untouched, perennially serene amidst the temporal storms.

In a room where shadows dwell,
Cloaked in black, a silent shell.
Eyes closed tight, he starts to breathe,
In the cold, his fears unsheathe.

Breathe in deep, let fears go,
Find the self you’re meant to know.
Boundless skies inside you swell,
In this dance with your own hell.

Insecurity’s ghost, it fades away,
As he merges with the gray.
Another fear, the void consumes,
In his breath, his essence blooms.

Breathe in deep, let fears go,
Find the self you’re meant to know.
Boundless skies inside you swell,
In this dance with your own hell.

“Stop the play, Brahman,” he cries,
Through the swirls, his spirit flies.
Material world, come back to me,
In your chains, I’m finally free.

Every fear a passing shade,
With each breath, his debts are paid.
Floating high above the fray,
In eternal self, he’ll stay.

Breathe in deep, let fears go,
Find the self you’re meant to know.
Boundless skies inside you swell,
In this dance with your own hell.

Just relax, let life flow,
Seasons change, and winds will blow.
He’s the master of his realm,
In serene calm, he’s at the helm.

In shadows deep, he sits alone,
Dressed in black from skin to bone.
Eyes shut tight, the breathing slow,
In the chill, his fears grow.

Breathe in, breathe out, let go,
Meet the self that you should know.
Boundless skies, begin to swell,
Dance away from your own hell.

Fear fades into the night,
Merged with gray, he finds the light.
Another fear, the void fills,
His spirit’s calm, the silence thrills.

Breathe in, breathe out, let go,
Meet the self that you should know.
Boundless skies, begin to swell,
Dance away from your own hell.

“Stop, Brahman,” his chant soars,
Spirit swirls, his heart implores.
Back to earth, yet feeling free,
From his chains, he’s broken free.

Each fear, a fleeting shade,
With each breath, peace is made.
Above the fray, he finds his place,
In his eternal, quiet space.

Breathe in, breathe out, let go,
Meet the self that you should know.
Boundless skies, begin to swell,
Dance away from your own hell.

Just relax, let life’s winds blow,
Seasons turn, and still, he’ll know.
He’s the master of his calm,
In quiet peace, his spirit’s balm.

Shadows fall, he sits in black,
Eyes closed tight, no turning back.
Breathes in deep, the cold he feels,
Fears arise, to him they steal.

Breathe in, breathe out, release,
Find your calm, embrace peace.
Sky within, starts to swell,
Break the chains of your own hell.

Fear fades, he sees the light,
In the gray, he finds his might.
New fear comes, he fills the void,
In his calm, fears destroyed.

Breathe in, breathe out, release,
Find your calm, embrace peace.
Sky within, starts to swell,
Break the chains of your own hell.

“Stop, Brahman,” loud he cries,
From his lips, his spirit flies.
Back to earth, his chains fall free,
In his calm, he’s meant to be.

Fears pass, they’re just a shade,
With each breath, his peace remade.
High above life’s noisy fray,
In eternal calm, he’ll stay.

Breathe in, breathe out, release,
Find your calm, embrace peace.
Sky within, starts to swell,
Break the chains of your own hell.

Just relax, let life flow,
Seasons change, he’s in the know.
Master now of his own realm,
In his peace, he’s at the helm.

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