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The Art of Not-Doing: Dancing with the Tiger & 221 Affirmations

The Art of Not-Doing

Dancing with the Tiger & 221 Affirmations


“The border between the Real and the Unreal is not fixed, but just marks the last place where rival gangs of shamans fought each other to a standstill.”

-Robert Anton Wilson

Our conception of reality is the result of various competing beliefs and ideas, none of which have managed to dominate completely.

Reality, in this view, is a construct that emerges from the ongoing conflict and compromise between these different perspectives.

The “border” between the real and unreal is simply where these competing views have reached a temporary equilibrium.

Let’s try to simplify it into clearer and simpler words.

The line between what we consider “real” and “unreal” is not fixed. It’s flexible and shifts based on perspective, interpretation, and belief.

Our understanding of reality is not set in stone. What one person or culture sees as “real” might be viewed as “unreal” by another. This fluidity means that reality changes depending on who is defining it.

Those who have the power to shape our sense of reality—whether they are spiritual leaders, scientists, philosophers, or influencers—bring competing narratives and belief systems, each with its own version of what is real.

These different belief systems have clashed and challenged each other, but no single perspective has emerged as the definitive “truth.” Instead, a stalemate has been reached, with no one narrative fully conquering the others.

“Control the story, control the world.”


The Art of Allowing

In the dim corridors of the human soul, there exists a notion so elusive that many who tread the path of the occult stumble and fall before its threshold.

The balance—this delicate equilibrium—evades those who, in their fervor, strive too hard, reaching for it with desperate hands.

For in the very act of striving, balance is disturbed, the scales tipped, and harmony lost.

The irony, cruel yet simple, lies in this: to achieve balance, one must cease striving. It is not in the doing but in the not-doing that balance is found.

As Lao Tzu, the ancient sage, once said,

“By letting it go it all gets done. The world is won by those who let it go. But when you try and try, the world is beyond the winning.”

It is a paradox that unsettles the mind, an idea that mocks the instinct to act. Yet, when emotions surge like a tempest, when the mind is caught in the whirlwind of thoughts, do not resist. Resist nothing.

Instead, become a silent witness. Observe the rising tides of feeling, the ebb and flow of thoughts. Let them wash over you, through you, without resistance.

Feel the unsettling churn within, and as the discomfort intensifies, breathe. Breathe deeply, as though drawing the chaos into the depths of your being, and then release it.

Exhale the ashes of what once was turmoil, transformed into stillness, into clarity.

As the spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle reminds us,

“Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists.”

Instead, he advises,

“Be the silent watcher of your thoughts and behavior. You are beneath the thinker. You are the stillness beneath the mental noise.”

Close your eyes. Breathe slowly. With each breath, feel the energy of your emotions, the intensity that once overwhelmed you.

But do not hold on to them. Instead, let them ascend, let them transmute into something pure, something divine.

Call it what you will—angels, the higher self, or some other name—but know that it is the universe itself that transmutes this energy for you.

The universe, ever alive, moves not against you, but for you. It is a force that defies naming, for with each name comes the weight of expectation, the chains of interpretation.

Yet, remember this: the universe you seek outside is the same universe that dwells within. It is within you that these changes are made, from within to without.

The cosmos mirrors your inner state because you are intrinsically connected to all that is.

While it is natural to seek assistance from archetypes when the power within seems distant, understand that ultimately, it is you who must ascend. It is you who must awaken to the interconnectedness of all things.

As Rumi so beautifully expressed,

“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.”

And as the Buddha taught,

“The way is not in the sky; the way is in the heart.”

Remember the words of Hafiz,

“The heart is a thousand-stringed instrument that can only be tuned with love.”

Or recall the teachings of Lao Tzu, who warned,

“He who grasps, loses.”

The universe is a mirror, reflecting back what you project. Send out fear, and fear returns. But send out love, and love is what you shall receive.

This is the Law of Attraction, not as a simplistic incantation, but as an echo of your innermost state.

Now, as you sit in the quietude of your being, let us affirm together:

“I am one with the universe. I release all that no longer serves me. I breathe in peace, and I breathe out love.”

These words, when uttered with sincerity, are not mere affirmations but seeds planted in the fertile soil of the cosmos. And as we know, the seeds we plant grow into the harvest we reap.

In this stillness, in this non-doing, lies the secret to all that you seek. The universe conspires not against you but with you, always.

It waits for you to stop fighting, to stop striving, and simply to be. And in this being, you will find the balance that so many have sought, yet so few have found.

In this journey of inner transformation, remember that every emotion that no longer serves you, every belief rooted in lack, hate, or fear, must be transmuted and healed.

This process is not instantaneous, nor does it come with shortcuts. Shortcuts will only lead you back to the same lessons, returning you to the starting point within yourself.

The path may be long, but it is a journey worth taking. It may take time, but remember this: you are here for this very purpose—to release all feelings of lack, to heal, and to rediscover the fullness of your being.

Time may seem like a constraint, but in truth, you are an eternal being, beyond the confines of time. There is no shortage of time, for time itself is merely a backdrop to your infinite journey.

Embrace this truth, and let it guide you with patience and compassion.

Pause for a moment and ask yourself,

“Why do I hate God?”

If your immediate reaction is to dismiss the question—“No, no, I don’t!”—then probe a little deeper.

Consider this: someone created you and sets rules for you to follow, with the promise of eternal fire if you don’t. Now, ask yourself again, deep down, why do you hate God?

The truth is, many of us harbor a disdain not for God but for the concept of God that we have constructed over time.

This concept was, at one point, perhaps necessary—a reflection of the greed, the blindness, and the level of consciousness that, for some, is still underdeveloped.

The stories of the Yahweh Abrahamic religions are not serving us—they’re controlling us. Do you think the elite follow these stories, or do they create them to control us?

“Control the story, control the world.”

But let’s not be salty about it; it’s part of our human journey.

The world is nothing but God manifested, and God is the world unmanifested. So why do we hate the world? Why do we hate God?

We fear the world because we see it as a place of suffering, but the world is also the stage where true renunciation happens. Escape is not the answer; engagement with life is.

Even if you possess the knowledge of absolute reality—which is infinite—what good does it do if it doesn’t bring you closer to loving one another and healing your inner traumas?

Knowledge, in and of itself, is finite. Its value lies not in accumulation but in transformation.

As the Bhagavad Gita beautifully puts it:

“What need is there for all this detailed knowledge, O Arjun? Simply know that by one fraction of My being, I pervade and support this entire creation.”

This is the essence of true understanding—not just knowing the world or God in a theoretical sense, but realizing that both are part of the same divine reality.

It’s about releasing our preconceived notions and embracing the world as it is, as a manifestation of the divine.

In this realization, we find not just knowledge, but the wisdom to love, to heal, and to grow.

In the end, we must remember that we’ve got each other, and all we have is each other.

The journey becomes meaningful not in isolation, but in our connection with one another.

In this shared existence, we find strength, compassion, and the true essence of what it means to be alive.

The one piece of advice I can offer is this: always remember that you are a being of love. Guilt has no place in your heart. Release it, and know that your true nature is one of compassion and light.

Remember, it’s often in our darkest moments that our inner light becomes most apparent. It is through overcoming challenges that your true brilliance will shine.

Sometimes, all we need is to breathe, observe, and trust that the universe will sort it out for us.

What we feel inside inevitably manifests outside, and in this quiet surrender, we discover the harmony we’ve been seeking all along.

Dancing with the Tiger

In the mystical landscape of the psyche, the tiger emerges as a powerful totem, embodying the raw essence of our primal, instinctual nature.

It is not just a symbol of strength, courage, and power, but also a living representation of the deeper feminine energies within the soul, residing in the untamed wilderness of the unconscious.

The tiger, in its majestic presence, mirrors the anima—the soul’s inner image of the opposite gender, the feminine force that dwells within the masculine psyche.

This anima is not just a source of creativity and intuition but also reflects the unpredictable, untamable aspects of our inner world. As Carl Jung once said,

“The anima is the archetype of life itself.”

Jung perceived the tiger as a symbol deeply rooted in the collective unconscious, a bridge between the personal and the cosmic.

It resonates with the yin energy of ancient wisdom, embodying the receptive, mysterious, and shadowy aspects of existence.

The tiger, in this esoteric sense, is both a guardian and a challenger, holding within it the repressed, the unacknowledged, and the forgotten aspects of the self.

Your relationship with this sacred symbol reflects your connection to your inner world. If you find resonance with the tiger, it may signify a deep alignment with your emotions, instincts, and creative flow.

Yet, it also speaks to the need for balance—acknowledging the wildness within while cultivating mindfulness and discernment. As Lao Tzu reminds us,

“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.”

If the tiger evokes fear or curiosity, it whispers of the parts of yourself that remain unexplored or unintegrated. These hidden aspects call for recognition, for they are the keys to your wholeness.

Perhaps you have distanced yourself from the nurturing, intuitive aspects of your nature, or there are unresolved dynamics with the feminine that need healing.

Embracing the tiger means embracing all that you are—light and shadow, rational and instinctual, conscious and unconscious.

In this dance with the tiger, you embark on a journey toward inner harmony, where the untamed forces of the psyche are not suppressed but understood, integrated, and honored.

This journey is the path to true self-realization, where you come to embrace the fullness of your being, with all its mysteries and contradictions. As Khalil Gibran wisely said,

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.”

Peter Levine, in his work Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma, uses the image of the tiger to illustrate how trauma can impact our being.

The tiger represents the primal energy that, when faced with overwhelming experiences, becomes frozen within our psyche and body, manifesting as trauma.

Levine explains that in moments of intense fear or danger, our bodies instinctively enter a state of shock—a survival mechanism.

This freeze response can leave unresolved energies embedded in our bodies, leading to symptoms of trauma, such as PTSD.

This unprocessed energy, symbolized by the tiger, remains dormant, influencing our emotions and behaviors.

In Levine’s metaphor, the tiger’s trapped energy represents unexpressed emotions and actions that seek release.

Unlike humans, wild animals like tigers have the natural ability to discharge this energy through physical movements, restoring their inner balance and preventing trauma from taking root.

Humans can also heal and release these energies through practices that connect the mind, body, and spirit.

Yoga, with its focus on breathwork, mindfulness, and movement, offers a way to unlock and release trapped energy. As the Bhagavad Gita teaches,

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”

Through asanas (postures), pranayama (breath control), and meditation, we can gently guide the body to release stored trauma and return to a state of balance and peace.

Breathing practices like Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) can calm the nervous system, allowing the body to access the parasympathetic state where healing occurs. As Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras remind us,

“When the breath wanders, the mind is unsteady, but when the breath is calmed, the mind too will be still.”

By calming the breath, we calm the mind, allowing the body to process and release trapped energy.

Through these practices, we can reconnect with our body’s wisdom, allowing the tiger within us to move, breathe, and heal.

In embracing this journey, we transform the energy of trauma into strength and resilience, aligning ourselves with the deeper rhythms of life and the cosmos.

“New beginnings are often disguised as painful endings.”

-Lao Tzu


Now, let’s begin with 221 affirmations to align ourselves with this truth.

  • I am a powerful being with limitless potential.
  • I am confident in my innate skills and talents.
  • I am needed by the world for the unique gifts I bring.
  • I am fully committed to pursuing my passions and purpose.
  • I am fearless in the face of challenges.
  • I am releasing the fear of failure that holds me back.
  • I am worthy of success and embrace it with open arms.
  • I am no longer allowing doubts to hinder my progress.
  • I am strong and resilient in the pursuit of my dreams.
  • I am unwavering in my convictions and beliefs.
  • I am living authentically, true to myself.
  • I am guided by my inner wisdom at all times.
  • I am connected to the infinite knowledge within me.
  • I am confident in the choices I make for my life.
  • I am not swayed by others’ expectations of me.
  • I am steadfast in following my own path.
  • I am trusting the journey that is uniquely mine.
  • I am courageous in making changes that align with my truth.
  • I am embracing my purpose with passion and determination.
  • I am free from the limitations of others’ opinions.
  • I am honoring my intuition and inner-knowing.
  • I am drawing strength from my inner reservoir of wisdom.
  • I am unafraid to stand out and be different.
  • I am living with purpose, guided by my inner light.
  • I am deserving of all the success I create.
  • I am in harmony with my deepest desires and goals.
  • I am fearlessly stepping into my power.
  • I am embracing change as a natural part of growth.
  • I am the creator of my own reality.
  • I am confident in my ability to overcome any obstacle.
  • I am releasing all fears that no longer serve me.
  • I am empowered by the wisdom of my subconscious mind.
  • I am trusting myself completely in all decisions.
  • I am living each day with purpose and intention.
  • I am aligned with the truth of who I am.
  • I am capable of achieving all that I set my mind to.
  • I am resilient in the face of adversity.
  • I am continually growing and evolving.
  • I am proud of the person I am becoming.
  • I am a beacon of strength and confidence.
  • I am surrounded by opportunities to live my passion.
  • I am free to express my true self without fear.
  • I am worthy of living a life that aligns with my dreams.
  • I am not defined by the fears of the past.
  • I am powerful beyond measure, and I embrace it.
  • I am listening to the voice of my intuition.
  • I am at peace with the choices I make for myself.
  • I am continuously discovering the wisdom within.
  • I am confident in my journey and its unfolding.
  • I am embracing my purpose with love and enthusiasm.

  • I am prepared for the changes that are coming into my life.
  • I am ready to embrace new beginnings with open arms.
  • I am at peace with the endings in my life.
  • I am releasing old circumstances with gratitude.
  • I am open to the positive opportunities that await me.
  • I am letting go of what no longer serves me.
  • I am ready to fulfill my soul’s purpose and destiny.
  • I am excited about the new phase of my journey.
  • I am embracing the future with hope and confidence.
  • I am trusting the process of transformation in my life.
  • I am standing strong in my personal power.
  • I am not afraid to let go and move forward.
  • I am welcoming new relationships and experiences.
  • I am confident that every ending brings a new beginning.
  • I am guided by my passions and purpose.
  • I am living my truth and trusting in the universe.
  • I am ready to fulfill my soul mission with determination.
  • I am grateful for the lessons learned from past experiences.
  • I am focused on the positive outcomes of change.
  • I am resilient in the face of life’s transitions.
  • I am embracing my true purpose with clarity.
  • I am not defined by past phases, but by my future potential.
  • I am confident in my ability to navigate life’s changes.
  • I am empowered to create the life I desire.
  • I am letting go of emotional baggage with ease.
  • I am trusting that everything is unfolding as it should.
  • I am aligned with my highest purpose and destiny.
  • I am ready to explore new opportunities with enthusiasm.
  • I am a powerful creator of my own reality.
  • I am open to the miracles that come from living my truth.
  • I am embracing the journey of life with faith and courage.
  • I am letting go of the past to make room for the new.
  • I am at peace with the transitions in my life.
  • I am trusting that the universe supports my growth.
  • I am ready to fulfill my destiny with passion and purpose.
  • I am confident that I have all I need to succeed.
  • I am letting go of fear and embracing change.
  • I am open to the abundance that comes with new beginnings.
  • I am living in alignment with my soul’s mission.
  • I am grateful for the guidance and wisdom within me.
  • I am ready to step into my power and create a fulfilling life.
  • I am fearless in pursuing my true purpose.
  • I am trusting that the best is yet to come.
  • I am embracing change as a natural part of life’s journey.
  • I am prepared to take the next step toward my destiny.
  • I am confident in the direction my life is taking.
  • I am letting go of the old to welcome the new.
  • I am living my life with purpose and passion.
  • I am open to the endless possibilities before me.
  • I am at peace with the cycles of life and embrace each one fully.

  • I am compassionate in all my interactions with others.
  • I am diplomatic and considerate in my words and actions.
  • I am adaptable to life’s changes with grace and ease.
  • I am serving others with passion and dedication every day.
  • I am balanced and harmonious in every aspect of my life.
  • I am at peace with myself and the world around me.
  • I am strong in my personal convictions and act with integrity.
  • I am achieving great things in this lifetime.
  • I am devoted to my purpose and trust my inner wisdom.
  • I am manifesting my desired results on all levels.
  • I am guided by the universe in all that I do.
  • I am living my life with love and harmony.
  • I am compassionate and understanding toward others.
  • I am balanced in my mind, body, and spirit.
  • I am serving my life purpose with enthusiasm.
  • I am optimistic about my journey and the future.
  • I am trusting in the Divine to guide my path.
  • I am filled with faith in the universe’s plan for me.
  • I am committed to living with compassion and balance.
  • I am surrounded by peace and harmony in all I do.
  • I am a source of positivity and light for others.
  • I am acting with kindness and consideration in every situation.
  • I am adaptable and open to new experiences.
  • I am manifesting abundance through my devotion and wisdom.
  • I am confident in my ability to serve my soul mission.
  • I am grateful for the guidance I receive from the universe.
  • I am living in alignment with my highest purpose.
  • I am strong in my convictions and stand by them with love.
  • I am committed to making a positive difference in the world.
  • I am trusting the process of life and my spiritual journey.
  • I am bringing harmony to every aspect of my life.
  • I am focused on serving others with compassion and grace.
  • I am acting with diplomacy in all my relationships.
  • I am achieving my goals with faith and determination.
  • I am living a life filled with peace and balance.
  • I am open to receiving the universe’s guidance.
  • I am serving my soul mission with passion and love.
  • I am optimistic about the positive impact I am making.
  • I am acting from a place of compassion and inner wisdom.
  • I am adaptable and resilient in the face of challenges.
  • I am manifesting success through my balanced approach to life.
  • I am at peace with my decisions and actions.
  • I am living in harmony with my true self.
  • I am serving others with a heart full of compassion.
  • I am trusting in the Divine to lead me toward my destiny.
  • I am committed to living with love and kindness every day.
  • I am creating a life of balance, harmony, and peace.
  • I am guided by my inner wisdom and the universe’s energy.
  • I am fulfilling my life purpose with joy and optimism.
  • I am grateful for the love and guidance that surrounds me.

  • I am turning my ambitious dreams into reality.
  • I am confident that wonderful things are unfolding for me.
  • I am patient, knowing that great opportunities are on their way.
  • I am trusting in the process of my life’s journey.
  • I am seeing the bigger picture with clarity and focus.
  • I am working diligently on the details to bring my vision to life.
  • I am manifesting success on both the spiritual and material planes.
  • I am open to receiving the blessings that are coming my way.
  • I am co-creating my reality with the universe’s guidance.
  • I am optimistic about the future and all it holds for me.
  • I am surrounded by positive energy and opportunities.
  • I am aligning my actions with my highest aspirations.
  • I am patient and trust in divine timing.
  • I am grateful for the wonderful things happening behind the scenes.
  • I am bringing my dreams to fruition with persistence and faith.
  • I am open to the infinite possibilities that the universe offers.
  • I am blessed with abundance in every area of my life.
  • I am embracing the journey, knowing that success is on its way.
  • I am working in harmony with the universe to achieve my goals.
  • I am confident in the steps I am taking toward my dreams.
  • I am diplomatic and loving in my interactions with others.
  • I am focused on the details that will bring my dreams to life.
  • I am creating a life filled with joy, abundance, and fulfillment.
  • I am open to the opportunities that are being prepared for me.
  • I am believing in the unseen forces working in my favor.
  • I am grateful for the blessings that continue to unfold in my life.
  • I am patient and persistent in the pursuit of my dreams.
  • I am bringing my ambitions into reality through focused action.
  • I am seeing the bigger picture with wisdom and understanding.
  • I am collaborating with the universe to manifest my desires.
  • I am confident in the divine plan for my life.
  • I am taking inspired action to realize my goals.
  • I am at peace, knowing that everything is falling into place.
  • I am attracting positive outcomes in every aspect of my life.
  • I am working with love and cooperation in all my relationships.
  • I am blessed with opportunities that align with my highest good.
  • I am seeing the results of my hard work manifest in my life.
  • I am trusting that the universe is bringing my dreams to reality.
  • I am grateful for the wonderful things that are coming my way.
  • I am patient and trust that everything is unfolding perfectly.
  • I am bringing my vision to life with dedication and passion.
  • I am open to the blessings and miracles that the universe has in store for me.
  • I am focusing on the details that will bring my dreams to fruition.
  • I am surrounded by abundance and prosperity.
  • I am confident that my dreams are manifesting in divine timing.
  • I am filled with gratitude for the journey and its rewards.
  • I am co-creating my reality with love and intention.
  • I am embracing the opportunities that are being prepared for me.
  • I am bringing my ambitions into reality with patience and perseverance.
  • I am living a life of purpose, passion, and fulfillment.

  • I am strong, and I am doing this for myself.
  • I am committed to healing myself completely.
  • I am resilient, even when the journey gets tiring.
  • I am dedicated to my personal evolution and growth.
  • I am steadfast on this journey and will not abandon it.
  • I am determined to walk this path until my last breath.
  • I am evolving and healing with every step I take.
  • I am embracing abundance as I transform my life.
  • I am fulfilling my purpose in this lifetime.
  • I am ready to transcend this material realm.
  • I am a divine instrument, here to do my work and move on.
  • I am patient with myself and the process of my journey.
  • I am accepting of all that comes my way with grace.
  • I am courageous, facing every challenge head-on.
  • I am unafraid of what lies ahead on my path.
  • I am committed to my journey of healing and enlightenment.
  • I am embracing this lifetime as my last in the material realm.
  • I am determined to complete my mission with divine purpose.
  • I am unwavering in my resolve to heal and evolve.
  • I am trusting in my strength and resilience.
  • I am moving forward with courage, patience, and acceptance.

Let the Universe Sort It Out

Stop, take a breath, just chill out,
Let the universe sort it out,
Don’t you worry, don’t you shout,
Let the universe sort it out!

Oh, the world keeps spinning, round and round,
No need to stress, no need to pout,
Just let go, don’t run about,
Let the universe sort it out!

The Tiger’s dancing, fierce and wild,
But even tigers rest a while,
So sit back, wear a smile,
Let the universe sort it out!

Oh, the world keeps spinning, round and round,
No need to stress, no need to pout,
Just let go, don’t run about,
Let the universe sort it out!

We’re all just here, trying to find our way,
But sometimes it’s best to just let it sway,
Trust the flow, come what may,
Let the universe take the day!

So stop, take a breath, just chill out,
Let the universe sort it out,
Don’t you worry, don’t you shout,
Let the universe sort it out!

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